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hcy全称hcg值降低到正常ycylucyhcy40The accumulation of homocysteine (Hcy) during chronic kidney failure (CKD) can exert toxic effects on the glomeruli and tubulo-interstitial region. Among the pote...

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The accumulation of homocysteine (Hcy) during chronic kidney failure (CKD) can exert toxic effects on the glomeruli and tubulo-interstitial region. Among the pote

T h e a c c u m u l a t i o n o f h o m o c y s t e i n e ( H c y ) d u r i n g c h r o n i c k i d n e y f a i l u r e ( C K D ) c a n e x e r t t o x i c e f f e c t s o n t h e g l o m e r u l i a n d t u b u l o - i n t e r s t i t i a l r e g i o n . A m o n g t h e p o t e . . .

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